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Special thanks to the above MetroWest Jewish Day School teachers who volunteered to wear our ventriloquist face masks. We all "sang" our originals “Pesach Sameach” and “No Bully Zone” (because Pharaoh was a bully to Moses). See:
It was an honor for us to perform after the Menorah lighting at Worcester’s Top of The Tower Hanukkah event sponsored by the Torah Center on the fifth night of Hanukkah. Our Hanukkah Howie puppet and our Mench-On-A-Bench puppet were also featured at our Ocean City, New Jersey event on the seventh night of Hanukkah. Our National Jewish Retreat at the Rhode Island Convention Center/Omni Hotel in Providence, RI. and our performances WITH the 400+ Community Kollel of Sharon and other locations have included:
• Brookline's Torah Academy• Chabad Chestnut Hill• Chabad of the North Shore/Camp Gan Israel• Chabad of the South Shore Adult events• Chabad of Newton Lag B'Omer Family Festival and Bonfire• Congregation Beth El-Altereth Israel - Newton, MA • Congregation Shaarei Tefillah - Newton, MA• JCC Grossman Camp on the Hale Reservation in Westwood• Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston/Newton, MA• Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy – Longmeadow, MA• Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation/Andover, MA• Metrowest Jewish Day School edutainment/Framingham, MA• Milford Chabad• Natick Chabad• New Haven, Connecticut Congregation Chabad Lubavitch Purim Celebration• Newton Chabad• Rohr Jewish Learning Institute• Springfield JCC• Swampscott JCC• Worcester’s Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah celebrations